Monday, November 3, 2008

Number 1 and Number 2

I'm so proud of Emma this morning. She went number 2 on the potty this morning for the first time and Saturday she peed on the potty for the first time. I started putting her on the potty every once in while last week and it only took 4 times before we had a successful event to cheer about. I sorta think it makes since to at least introduce babies to early potty training when the right moments come along. I started Blake at about 10 months and Emma last week at 12 months. I certainly don't worry about consistency, but if I notice a dry diaper after nap time or I see her looking like she's trying to poop and I have an opportunity to get her to the potty I'm going to take it. I also like to put her on there before bath time. So hooray for Emma! We had a great time cheering her on and Mommy, Daddy and Blake are very proud of her! It's pretty silly how exhilarating and exciting this stuff can be for a Mom. Who knew somebody peeing and pooping on a potty could make my day? Motherhood cracks me up sometimes.