Friday, June 26, 2009

Celebrating 10 Wonderful Years Together!

I have so much blogging to catch up with... Mother's Day, Bahamas, birthdays, Father's Day, summer activities... hopefully I'll be able to catch up at some point. For now though, I want to take a quick moment to recognize this special day, the ten year anniversary of my marriage to my soul mate and the love of my life. Chris and I were married ten years ago today in Irving, Texas at 2:30 in the afternoon in an absolutely beautiful ceremony surrounded by all of our family and friends (what great memories!). It's interesting to think about how our friends and family have changed in these ten years. So many new friends and a couple of pretty special additions to the family as well (Blake seems to think its kinda funny to imagine that she wasn't around yet when our wedding took place. I can see now why couples renew their vows when their kids are old enough to be there and witness it. She would have loved being there at our wedding.) What a wonderful ten years it has been. Thank you to Chris for making my life so happy and thank you to God for blessing me with this man and this marriage. I'm looking forward to celebrating tonight at the Gaylord Texan and getting to sleep in tomorrow (what a treat)!


Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary! and I can't believe how grown up Emma looks in that header photo! pretty dresses.

Newman Family Blog said...

Congrats! 10 years - I can't believe it. That is so great!