Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Brand New Blogging Adventure

I'm so excited to start blogging. I have to thank some friends of mine (Jessica, Meredith, Stephanie, Emily, Jonna and Aubrey) for introducing me to this. I've been enjoying their blogs for a couple of months now and realized just how much fun it is to "blog surf" as Meredith told me it's called. I've been following the links to the blogs of people I don't even know. It's a weird phenomenon, but what can I say...I'm hooked. I figured this will be a way to share pictures and stories of all the wonderful, silly, crazy, happy moments happening in the life of the Coleman family these days with all of our fabulous family and friends. Now nobody will have to ask me to send out pictures of the kids, they'll be posted regularly right here. I also like Jessica's idea of creating a blog book. What a great way to keep a record of the special moments in our lives that I'm likely to forget. I felt like coming up with a name or a theme for my blog was a lot of pressure, but for now I came up with my current title because the many, many blessings of our life here in the Coleman household are exactly what I plan to share. Sometimes I'm overwhelmed with these incredible blessings all around me and here is a place that I can share them all with some of the most special blessings of all... our family and friends. Let the blogging adventure begin!

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