Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Magic Wands 101 and Coffee, French Fry and Potato Chip Soup

Today Emma received her first lesson on the use of magic fairy wands. She was in her exersaucer with Blake in the playroom while I was getting dressed and I heard Blake teaching her what to do... "Emma hold it like this and wave it around, but don't put it in your mouth." I walked in to get a peek and Emma did pretty well when Blake gave her a turn. Blake came running in to tell me all about it... "Emma used the magic fairy wand and she didn't even put it in her mouth". All I can say is I hope Emma likes pink, fairies and princesses because she's going to be learning all about them whether she wants to or not. I can tell watching them together is going to get pretty funny. Later Blake made some soup and called me from the other room..."Mommy the soup is ready come and join me". I just love the "come and join me" part.


Aubs said...

How sweet! Joshua teaches Andrew things as well and always adds, "don't put it in your mouth!". Gotta love it!
We don't get soup. We get macEroni and cheese pizza.

Jessica said...

That soup sounds delicious! all good stuff, right? Oh and the contrast of what goes on over here with trucks and tractors--such a difference between boys and girls!